The „A” zones of strict conservation protection
— general arrangements
The „A” zones of strict conservation protection have been identified for particularly valuable areas, with preserved historical spatial structure. These areas are considered to be particularly important as a material and historical evidence.
In these zones, there is an absolute priority of requirements and conservation arrangements over matters resulting from conducted investment, economic and service activities. It also assumes the need to prepare local spatial development plan or plan of revaluation, which will be the final form of arrangements and conservation requirements of individual elements’ implementation design of historic resources management.
Conservation activities in these areas aim to preserve and make legible historical spatial layout and maintenance of its main elements: layout and routes of main traffic, the composition of urban interiors, historic building line, composition and arrangements of historic greenery and historical division of ownership and ways of land use.
Any investment activity, construction, as well as remodeling, renovation, adaptation, adjustment of modern functions or divisions of real estate located in the zone must be agreed with the Lower Silesian Provincial Conservator of Monuments, Delegation of Provincial Heritage Monuments Protection Office in Wałbrzych.
The „A” zones of strict conservation protection
— detailed arrangements
The „A” zones of strict conservation protection are appointed in:
- Byczeń,
- Chałupki,
- Doboszowice,
- Kamieniec Ząbkowicki,
- Kamieniec-Istebka,
- Mrokocin,
- Ożary,
- Pomianów Górny,
- Sławęcin,
- Sosnowa,
- Śrem,
- in Byczeń the „A” zone is specified for two enclaves — bigger, covering the entire village, and smaller — including the mill unit.
- in Chałupki the „A” zone is designated for the remains of Lower Grange, church, park-like area with old settlement-castle and the mill no. 7.
- in Doboszowice the „A” zone is specified for two enclaves. The first one includes the parish church and churchyard. In the second one lies a Palace Grange with the palace, relics of the fence, granary and two cowsheds.
- in Kamieniec Ząbkowicki the „A” zone of strict conservation protection is set for three enclaves: monastery and a part of locality with Złotostocka Street; the palace, park and evangelical church; a villa at 26 Ząbkowicka Street
- in Kamieniec-Istebka the „A” zone covers the mill complex at 5 Narrow Street
- in Mrokocin within the „A” zone are: mill no. 12, the Mass chapel of St John of Nepomuk, evangelical cemetery
- in Ożary the „A” zone of strict conservation protection is specified for two enclaves. The first one includes the parish church of St Catherine and a cemetery. The second one is a grange of a former material kuria.
- in Pomianów Górny the „A” zone of strict conservation protection includes the branch church of St Barbara.
- in Sławęcin the „A” zone of strict conservation protection covers the chapel of St Joseph, grange (no. 22 and 25) and a residential-economic complex belonging in the past to the innkeeper (no. 21).
- in Sosnowa the designated „A” zone is determined for the church and cemetery.
- in Starczów the „A” zone of strict conservation protection includes the church, part of the cemetery (the oldest and nineteenth-century), parsonage and presbytery pen.
- in Śrem the „A” zone of strict conservation protection covers the church and pen no. 32
- in Topola the „A” zone is set for the parish church, the old cemetery, rectory and presbytery pen.
The „B” zones of conservation protection
— general arrangements
The „B” zones of conservation protection have been designated for areas with relatively well preserved main elements of the historical spatial structure, within which the basic elements of the monuments should be maintained.
Any investment activity within the zones should be carried out taking into account existing spatial and planning relationships. Investment activities at the sites included in the register of cultural goods and work on traffic routes (type of surface changes, correction of the course of roads) should be agreed with the Provincial Conservator of Monuments. Emerging facilities should be subject to agreement in terms of location, dimensions, forms of the roof and the appearance of the facade.
The „B” zones of conservation protection
— detailed arrangements
The „B” zones of conservation protection are set in: Byczeń, Doboszowice, Kamieniec Ząbkowicki, Sosnowa, Starczów, Śrem and Topola.
- in Byczeń the „B” zone includes „small” Byczeń.
- in Kamieniec Ząbkowicki the „B” zone is defined for three enclaves. The first of these contains part of the village with more imposing buildings (the northern part of the Złotostocka Street, western part of the Kolejowa Street and Ząbkowicka Street). In the second enclave there is a railway station and its surroundings (the eastern part of the Kolejowa Street and Ogrodowa Street). The third enclave includes the monastic cemetery in Opienica.
- between Mrokocin and Pomianów Górny the „B” zone covers the catholic cemetery.
- in Doboszowice, Sosnowa, Starczów, Śrem and Topola the „B” zones includes their habitat with more imposing buildings
The „W” zones — of strict protection of archaeological site
Includes archaeological sites exposed on the ground. The object, for which the zone is designated, is excluded from any investment activity, which could affect its specific form.
Projects of a revaluation character (restoration of the original shape), or other reclamation or adaptive works undertaken in the area covered by the above-mentioned zone should be approved by conservation services and be carried out under their strict supervision, after the release of the relevant permission.
The „W” zones — of strict protection of archaeological site are designated for:
- Stronghold in Byczeń — entered in the register of objects of cultural heritage,
- Stronghold in Chałupki — entered in the register of objects of cultural heritage.
The „OW” zones — of archaeological observation
Any investments planned in the areas covered by the „OW” zone should be agreed with the Provincial Conservator of Monuments. The „OW” zones of archaeological observation include the following medieval villages within their modern habitat:
- Byczeń,
- Chałupki,
- Doboszowice,
- Kamieniec Ząbkowicki (Złotostocka Street, Młyńska Street),
- Kamieniec-Goleniów (habitat area of the former village),
- Kamieniec-Istebka (habitat area of the former village),
- Kamieniec-Opienica (habitat area of the former village),
- Ożary,
- Pilce,
- Pomianów Górny,
- Sławęcin,
- Sosnowa,
- Starczów,
- Suszka,
- Śrem,
- Topola.
In the area of archaeological sites which are not covered by the above mentioned „W” zones of strict protection of archaeological site and „OW” zones of archaeological observation, conducting investment activity shall be subject to the opinion of the Provincial Conservator of Monuments, which a potential investor or an authorized person is obliged to obtain. In addition, these sites should be considered and applied unchanged when implementing plans and specific projects. However, it does not exclude the possibility that the data relating to the historical content of the sites as well as their coverage will change after conducting verification tests.
The „K” zones — of landscape protection
— general arrangements
The „K” zones of cultural landscape protection were designated for natural landscape areas integrally associated with historic monuments, or for areas of significant landscape values, which determine the cultural and historical identity.
Within this zone, there is no obligation of evaluation or negotiation of all investments with conservation services. However, the architectural services of municipality are obliged to follow the principles of preserving the current spatial plan, panoramas and viewing points.
The „K” zones — of landscape protection
— detailed arrangements
The „K” zones — of landscape protection are set in two ways, as a zone of large-scale and as small, distinct zones.
The first one covers part of proglacial stream valley of Nysa and the edge of the Ziębice Plateau with localities Kamieniec Ząbkowicki, Byczeń, Śrem, Topola, south-western part of Doboszowice, Goleszów grange of Doboszowice and its surroundings.
Separate „K” zones of landscape protection are specified for:
- Chałupki,
- parts of Doboszowice on the road to Starczów,
- Kamieniec-Goleniów,
- Mrokocin,
- Pomianów Górny.
The localities of the Kamienic Ząbkowicki Municipality cover an area of great landscape, natural and cultural values, and therefore a large-scale „K” zone of landscape protection has been designated.
Within it, there are numerous panoramas and viewing points. The most impressing panorama is the one of Góra Zamkowa (Castle Hill) with the palace-castle and Byczeń (with the silhouette of the church), visible from Topola. Byczeń itself, located on a gentle slope of the Góra Zamkowa, is the most spatially exposed village of the municipality, visible from different places of the area of Pradolina Nysy (proglacial stream valley of Nysa) and the edge of the Wysoczyzna Ziębicka (Ziębice Plateau). The Pradolina Nysy connecting to the Przedgórze Paczkowskie (Paczków Foothills) is clearly pointed out. It is an area delimited by Wysoczyzna Ziębicka, Góry Bardzkie (Bardzkie Mountains) and Góry Złote (Golden Mountains). Natural viewing points are crossed on the territory of Byczeń. They are church-oriented as churches are the height dominants within the village.
Those localities, placed on a flat area or in gentle valley of streams, have generally quite standardized and unified appearance due to the time of origin of the current building. Few buildings are older, traditional with a framing floor or neoclassical from the 20s and 30s of the 19th century. Those stylish buildings of the village currently owe part of their character to liquidation of elevations’ decors, changing dimensions and layout of the windows. This is an expression of a lack of a positive evaluation from homeowners on qualities of architectural details and subordination to the present way of building. That leaves only bodies of buildings with plain elevations. Only in very few cases, you can talk about a good way of repairing the old buildings, like in case of a house at the mill no. 88 in Byczeń, grange (No. 16) and pen No 28 in Starczów.
Taking all this into consideration, maintaining the current architectural image of the village should be taken care of. First of all, it would be advisable to preserve and complement the building lines where they exist. With greater freedom you can design new buildings in the old villages of forest area, such as in Ożary, Doboszowice or Starczów, in which peasant’s pens on the slopes of the hills, away from watercourses, were spatially more isolated from each other. Secretion of large plots in the rural areas and centrally located single-family houses were a disadvantage, however, it was not uncommon. Such houses should not be located at the peak of the hills, as it was done for example in Byczeń. When designing new building, they should be given rather similar system to the system of pens, or refer to the system of settlements built in the 1920s in, for example, Doboszowice.
New buildings should have a maximum of two floors, rather elongated, with gabled or half-hipped roof. Their facades can be revived with framing pseudo-construction fastened in the plaster, referring to the traditional rural construction. New houses may also refer to settlement’s buildings of small cubic capacity.
A little different is the specificity of building in Kamieniec Ząbkowicki, with the so-called marketplace at the entrance to the monastery area and rows of wide front buildings of vernacular character (at Złotostocka, Ząbkowicka and Kolejowa Streets) and originating from the first half of the 20th century residential, corporate, rental and settlement building construction. The peculiarity of this building is that it creates rows of buildings. Therefore, as a distortion of the historical old town layout one should consider both of new settlements, the older one of the 1980s and newer built at present. Furthermore, the first of these disfigures panorama of Góra Zamkowa and castle, and the second one, although laid out in terraces, is located on the top and the slope of the hill at Kolejowa Street. In the future such location should be avoided and systems of new settlements or single-family houses should be included in the newly marked out streets.
New buildings should in some way refer to the existing buildings, either in extended blocks with sloping roofs, or in terms of elevation.
Developed: in accordance with the copyright law (Regional Centre for Research and Documentation of Monuments in Wrocław - Study of Cultural Environment for the Kamieniec Ząbkowicki Municipality)